https://doi.org/10.55302/MESJ19371-2621087dКлучни зборови:
district heating, gas heating, air pollution, heating costsАпстракт
The purpose of this work is to define the economically more feasible solution to the air pollution problem in Skopje through use of district heating (DH) or individual gas heating. Suburb model is Lisiče in Skopje. Analyzed are the total lifecycle costs of entire city quarter through use of the mentioned heating types. The energy consumption and CO2 emissions from different lifecycle phases depend on the properties of pipe material, type of technologies used (during manufacturing the pipe, installing equipment and pumping technologies) and the type of fluid. Four phases are considered in this lifecycle assessment, which are production and fabrication, transportation to job site, pipe installation and operation or service phase. As can be concluded, total lifecycle costs in DH system are lower than the costs for individual gas heating. The slightly higher operating costs are annulled by the costs for maintenance and CO2, which are significantly larger by use of individual gas heating system. By use of DH system in the suburb of Lisiče, the emission of PM10/2,5 will be practically extinguished as the DH system uses natural gas as only source. This will lead to improved air quality in this part of Skopje.Референци
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